Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So it was bound to happen

Today I felt a little nostalgic. This morning I went to gym class with a bunch of the partners and during the class, I looked around at everyone and realized that no matter how wonderful each of them are, they are not yet my friends. Which made me think of all my friends, wherever they may be, and how lucky I am to have each of you in my life. Although I am sure I am going to make an incredible group of friends this year, I haven't yet.

not my actual gym class ;) from nytimes
Cecilia came home for a break from class and we chatted over a cup of tea. She reminded me that this morning I received the photographer's photos from my wedding and that looking at those pictures probably set the nostalgic tone of the day. Not to mention it is cold and overcast. She of course is right. Then she mentioned something that I hadn't thought of right away.

YANN. He has been in Paris for the past 5 days and without him here, it just doesn't feel like wonderful Lausanne. So... friends and family, I do miss you all. But I think I miss my friend Yann the most ;) Hurry home from Paris!!

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