Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A little project

Something I started last month and am really enjoying is (re)reading the classics. I have decided to read classics I have read before, or maybe have never read, with a fresh set of eyes. Not only am I going back to read the classics, but I am also reading two books by each author I choose to get a bit of a broader understanding of their style. So far, I have completed Jane Austen. I re-read Pride and Prejudice (loved it this time) and Persuasion. Persuasion was Austen's last book and was mostly unfinished. Some people say this is her best piece of work. I disagree. P&P is my favorite.

I am currently reading Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. Amazing book.

I only am reading books/authors that are recommended to me. I have the next few books and authors lined up, but feel free to send me any suggestions on great books that I might miss!

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