Monday, October 28, 2013

A different breed

Spending a few days in Chicago, and I can already tell that Chicagoans are a different breed. Yes, yesterday was a beautiful fall day- the sun was out and the leaves were wearing their most radiant gold, red, and brown hues. Yes, it was not extremely cold. I think it was in the low 50's. But there was still a chill in the air. I had my fall jacket and a scarf on with boots and jeans. Perfectly dressed, except maybe for the addition of a sweater. While walking outside, I saw others dressed as I was. Then, strange things started happening. People started to take their coats off... And they wore short sleeve shirts. Others, in just sweaters, discarded them. My friend sent me a message that we would be bringing ice cream to the dinner we were attending that evening... ICE CREAM. At the dinner, the windows were open to let in the "warm" air. I was chilly and thankful for the glass of red wine :)

BRRRR... Chicagoans are a tough breed. They have thick skin and very warm blood. I just need to invest in thicker coats and more layers. As the Russians say, there is no such thing as bad weather, just poor clothing.

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