Nicholas on the other hand, being from South America, finds it to be really great here. This whole winter thing is a phenomenon to him. It is like watching a little kid. He loves that walking on the snow feels like flour and that he can stay out really long because the boots we bought before we left keep his feet warm and dry. (obviously)
After another big snow storm yesterday, we were looking out our window to this little fountain/pond in front of our house and these kids were all walking on it, even though it was not fully frozen in the center. I shrieked to Nicholas that they were going to break the ice and fall in. Nicholas just thought it was cool. After we left the pub last night, another student and Nicholas wanted to test out the ice/water for themselves. I got the camera, the wallet, the phone and they went to the water.
I was laughing too hard and missed the shot were the ice cracked and Nicholas got a wet foot, but this is the one previous.
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