A friend recommended that I try out an adorable restaurant in a part of Polanco that had a very NY West Village feel. I have been wanting to try it out, but never wanted to go by myself. Jayme and I had a girls night last night and ate like queens! We started with the tortilla soup and a couple orders of fish and shrimp tacos. The food was delicious and so filling. We might have been able to just have one order of tacos and been fine. It was our last night out for a while, since Nicholas and I will go away for the long weekend and she heads to the US on Monday for Thanksgiving week. Jayme and I have gotten close since taking our Spanish class together and I sure will miss her while she is gone! What will I do when we permanently leave in a few weeks? Bitter sweet traveling the world and meeting so many amazing people. I enjoy every moment while we are in our new places and then feel that small tug at my heart when we leave. At least with technology, it never feels like my loved ones are very far!!
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