I have to say- one of the coolest gizmos out there in the running world is the nike/ipod sports kit. I know that it has been out for a few years now, but it still ranks pretty high in my book. The best part? There are many, but for me it is the fact that you can "train" with friends and family that you hardly ever see. Love it. Don't you?
PS Only complaint is figuring out where to stick the Nike+ if you don't wear Nikes (I don't). Found the solution the other day. A little velcro pouch that attaches to your shoe. Brilliant. I know there were other solutions that people found that worked, but this one is my new favorite.

i love this thing! thank you again! have you found that it is less accurate on treadmills though? when i map a run outside(mapmyrun.com), its usually dead-on, but when i used it on a tm last week it was off by almost 15% -- i wish i was running 6 mi at a 7:20 pace!